Salzburger Nachrichten published an article about what makes Austria strong and special.

Salzburger Nachrichten published an article about what makes Austria strong and special. According to the journalists of the publication, Austria is distinguished by the following characteristics:

1. High level of education, leading to the corresponding productivity of its people.

2. Despite having a small domestic market, Austrian entrepreneurs are compelled to think globally, which is why 250 global market leaders from various industries operate in Austria.

3. Austrians do not polarize as much as, for example, Germans, French, or Americans.

4. Austria is a country where many dream of living in retirement. Strategically minded individuals move here in advance, transfer capital, and establish businesses for the future.

5. Austria is a popular recreational destination.

6. Austrian hospitality is defined by the overwhelming presence of family businesses in the hotel and tourist infrastructure. Family businesses are also prevalent in many other industries, making Austrian entrepreneurship highly responsible.

"We are a hardworking nation," says Florian Gschwandter, the creator of one of the country's most successful startups. He sold his app Runtastic to Adidas for 220 million euros.

After World War II, Austria was one of the poorest European countries, but in a very short time, it transformed into one of the wealthiest.
2023-09-06 18:57