Austrian passport index

Friday, January 27, 2023 - Vienna, Austria

Henley Passport Index annually publishes a rating of passports among 199 countries of the world, which classifies countries according to the principle of freedom of movement of their citizens (the ability to visit other countries without obtaining an entry visa or with a visa on arrival). In this rating, the Austrian passport is included in the group of honorable third place!

What does it mean?

If you have an Austrian passport, you have access to:

visiting 112 countries without a visa

in 43 countries you can get a visa on arrival

You still need a visa to enter 43 countries

The data for compiling the rating is collected by the international consulting company Henley & Partners together with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and is updated quarterly.

On the site you can always see up-to-date information on the conditions of entry into the country you are interested in, as well as clarify the index of the country's passport.

✒️According to the data on the site, the Austrian passport has always been at the top of the list, and its neighbors are Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France and Switzerland. It is with these countries that the Austrian passport shares third place.
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